Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prometheus review

Alright this is truly not the appropriate time to make a review on this movie, but being a college student with little money I've finally got to buy Prometheus and watch it.

If you never seen it yet and really don't want to know the whole movie.  Don't read this.  This is a spoilers zone.

Prometheus starts out as a 2 year expedition searching for Extraterrestrial life.  Protagonist Elizabeth Shaw and her boyfriend Charlie Halloway lead this expedition, while their superior Meredith Vickers doubts they would find Alien life on this planet.  Soon as they land, they experience a small step for mankind, and a giant leap to Humanity's future.  But it is short lived till they open a Pandoras box of true horrors.

They find out that the area they're exploring is a Military Hanger for Space ships carrying a very dangerous agent.  A race against the clock, Shaw must stop the so called Engineers from fulfilling their mission to destroy Humanity.

My intake on this movie is that it's one of the best Sci fi films i've ever watched.  Ridley Scott is one of my favorite directors.  Grew up watching Gladiator back in  the day, and many other movies he has made.

But there was one scene that really almost made me hurl my guts, was when Shaw had to remove that Squid thing out of her body.  I'm big into Death Metal yes, but anything involving surgery just makes my stomach cringe.

Overall loved every second of it, and cannot wait for many sequels to come.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Finally got my A

Welp its official.  Currently in the middle of my short break, and just need to shout it out.  I finally gotten my first A in College!  This is so phenomenal because I usually pull off B's and C's, but not this day.  This Metalhead studied hard and gotten his 1st A in Short media production!  And amazingly.  I wasn't doing a pretty good job in that class, but somehow I've gotten my A in that class.

But actually its an A-, still this is just the stepping stone for many A's to come, and I'm very proud of the hard work I have accomplished.  This upcoming term is going to be uneasy I know, but I'm determined to do work.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer Slaughter, Randy free, and a new member of the family

Once again I have not been paying attention to my blog, but a lot has been going on over the past few months I'd like to get out.

The first thing I want to share with you all was my trip to Summer Slaughter in Tampa Florida.  Summer Slaughter is an extreme Metal Tour that gathers up all of Metals most brutal bands together, and terrorizes the masses.  This years line up was

1.  Cannibal Corpse
2.  Between the Buried and me
3.  The Faceless
4.  Periphery
5.  Veil of Maya
6.  Job for a Cowboy
7.  Goatwhore
8.  Exhumned
9.  Cerebral Bore
10.  Abiotic

I went with my high school friend Spencer, and my other friend Emily, and her boyfriend Matt, made a 4 hour drive down to Tampa, and jammed out.  I was there for Cerebral Bore, Job for a Cowboy, and Cannibal Corpse.  But the craziest thing was when Job got on to play, they found out that someone was going to kill them so they darted out quickly.  The crowd was confused and pissed off as usual, but then we were told that we were to evacuate the building.  Things got serious when the Police came, and I thought that the show was going to be canceled.  But thankfully the Police took care of the situation, let everyone back in, and the show continued.  And Job got back more pissed off than ever.  Overall, it was a great show, except I lost my Cerebral Bore shirt, and their Drummer was kind enough to have my mail Address if he ever found it which I thought was awfully nice.

And in other news, Randy Blythe was finally free from the Czech Republic.  After many day's of fighting for his freedom all that finally payed off.  To all those who have doubted me, and said I was sick in the head for supporting a murderer, Fuck you all.  How does it feel that you're wrong!  Still he has got to brush some other shit off of him before he is 100% free.

As for my everyday to day life of Mr. Atticus M. Wright, I have been focusing a whole lot more in school than how I did the past 5 terms.  More dedicated to my work, and hoping to pull for an A+ this term, and making my family proud.  My older brother after being dirt poor for the past 4 months after graduating college has finally survived his first day on his new job.  I have high hopes for him, and I know he's going to do phenomenal.  My little brother is in a private Catholic school and I feel sorry for him because my older brother went there and hated it.  But he admits that he likes it, but I know that in time he's going to despise it so much.  Also my cousin Nancy Helen gave birth to a baby girl 2 weeks ago of the 22nd of August.  Her name was Addison Kathleen Holt.  I find it weird because she's named after me, and I'm quite shocked and honored at the same time because it turns out that my cousin does care about me 100%.  And I have celebrated her birth by seeing Fear Factory on that night, and oh boy they did a helluva performance.  They even had Tool/Puscifer/A perfect Circle mastermind Maynard James Keenan as their celebrity sound guy.  I was starstruck because Keenan is one of my favorite vocalists.

Right now my Second summer term is almost over, I'am going to see the band In this moment the following day, and adding more shifts for my job to make more money.  One final thing, I have finally gotten out of the Stone age, and bought myself an Iphone 4.  I'm ticked that it does not have 160 GB as my 3rd Ipod, but I gotta make a living somehow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Movie Massacre, Metalhead incarcerated, and much much more.

Seriously I really need to keep up on my blog!  But nonetheless I have many things I needed to get out and here we go.

Last month one of my favorite Vocalists Randy Blythe was arrested in the Czech Republic for a Manslaughter case that happened two years ago.  Basically they said it was going to be no big of a deal and that they would post a $200,000 bail on him.  But it turns out that he's still in the jail, and the charges on him are utterly ridiculous.  Thankfully fellow Metalheads and fans are gathering together and in support of his release.  Randy we're behind you 100%.

And in other news, last week in a small town in Colorado called Aurora, people were waiting to watch the midnight screening of the Dark Knight rises.  The ending of the Batman trilogy.  But suddenly a man by the name of James Holmes, dressed in full S.W.A.T. gear, and armed to the teeth began a killing spree that injured many, and killed 12 people.  This was dubbed the Batman movie Massacre, and one of the worst spree killings since the Virginia tech, and Columbine shootings yet to date.

James Holmes is now arrested and under trial, but clearly he made one of my favorite haunts unsafe anymore.  As a fellow movie fanatic, I'am both scared and pissed off!  One of the coolest places to escape the realities of real life is now not safe anymore.  I'm pissed that security has to be doubled.

Aside from all that I too have a huge announcement to make.  I'm done ranting and being mean to Emos, posers, and Scene kids all together.  If the mainstream makes fun about us Metalheads, it does not make us better people to make fun of those types of people as well.  I mean I still dislike all the music they listen to, how they look, and how they act.  But I think its best for me to just ignore them all.  Just like Juggalo's.  *ICP fans*.  I mean if they choose to wear tight pant's, scream like they're sad and stuff like that, whatever makes them happy.  But the important thing is, that we make the mainstream know which is which.

That is all for now, and I hope you all wish a good summer.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Walking Dead

It is finally happening, and I'am not saying this in a happy manner.  Ohhhh no this is very serious, and I suggest everyone who is reading this Post should stop what they're doing and start getting ready for the unthinkable.

Last week on a bright sunny Memorial day in Miami, Rudy Eugene was walking out from the beach butt naked until he stumbled upon a homeless man by the name of Ronald Popo.  Without thinking Eugene suddenly started attacking the sleeping man first by beating him up, but then he started to eat his face off while Popo began screaming in agony.  when officers arrived the scene was almost that of a horror film.  Popo's face was barely unrecognizable the fact that Eugene ripped his skin off, and was chewing it with his bare teeth.  Officers shot him once, but that did nothing to take him down as he proceeded to eat his helpless victims face.  Officers had no choice but to shoot him multiple times before he was finally pronounced dead.  After hearing of this incident, two words came into my mind.........Zombie Apocalypse.

I know this sounds funny, but there have been similar occurrences involving Zombie like behaviors.  For instance a mother in Texas eating her baby sons brain and three of his toes, a college student killing his room mate by ripping out his heart and eating his brain, and a man in New Jersey who stabbed himself multiple times and pulled out his intestines.  But all of this began on the Miami incident, of what I call ground zero.

The media said that Eugene was under the influence of bath salts which is an alternative from LCD, and PCP.  But that is something that the government is making the media want you to believe what made him act like an undead eating machine.  Whatever made him act like that, he must've been a test subject by the Government in order for some kind of Tissue regeneration type project.  I don't know but its possible, that is my theory.  

Now coming from a guy like me who is in his 20s, and is a huge fan of Zombie flicks, I'am preparing as we speak for the horde to move from Miami to Jacksonville.  I dunno if it may spread, but this is very serious.  Good thing I found my long lost Zombie survival guide because this thing will probably save my life.  I must find the right weapons, the right tools, and the right gear to out live the undead.

The Zombie apocalypse is upon us all.

Monday, April 30, 2012

New term, more concerts, and the 1st anniversary of the most hated mans death.

Uggh I really need to keep up with my blog.  So much has happened throughout this month and I just want to just get it all out.

Well I think that the 1st thing that happened on the beginning of this month of april was that I started my 5th term, and officially a Sophmore in the Art institute of Jacksonville.  I have only two classes.  1. Cinematography taught by Issac Brown who was my conceptual storytelling Professor on my 2nd term.  He is awesome and mentally scarred after telling him the story of my fictional Serial Killer Boo Radley Gibbons.  And Developmental Math *Uggh*  taught by Professor Holly.  Math is really my Achilles heel and I dun like it.  But I'm determined to kick butt on it.

So far I love my Cinematography class and I have done really well on turning in projects and producing/editing them.  I recently was involved in starring and directing two Speed stick commercials for that class.  One of them I directed, the other one was directed by my buddy Anthony, he wanted me to wear a speedo and get a nice rubdown by 4 beautiful girls while very confident having taken Speed Stick.  Plus it was so fun being on set as always.

Earlier this April I went to my first concert of 2012 since my friends CD release party.  And it was seeing one of the Titans of Death Metal, CANNIBAL CORPSE!!!!!  As you all know i'm a huge Metalhead by heart, and Death Metal is my favorite genre of Metal.  And of course my favorite Death Metal band is Cannibal Corpse.  They were on tour with Exhumned, Abysmal Dawn, Arkaik, and local band Ebulution.  One of the greatest moments of that concert was seeing a guy I met by the name of Spencer grab his buddy by the legs, and swung him around the Mosh pit like a human club.  I got to meet a really hot girl, but ditched my ass in the middle of Corpses performance.  The only downside was that were three Scene girls bouncing around as if they saw Asking Alexandria.  But when Cannibal Corpse played Hammer smashed face *Their most famous song*  I showed those Scene girls why they're not welcome to our Metal shows.

As April comes to an end there are four things I'm excited for in may.

1.  The first anniversery of 5/1.  AKA the day that Seal team 6 kicked 32 different types of kicking ass to Osama Bin Laden that he died.  All i'm ever doing on that day is basically play Lamb of God, and Pantera, and eat Barbecue with my ol man.

2.  My big brother Myles last week finished up all of his exams and is done with college, and later on I will be seeing him graduate.

3.  Will be seeing Deathcore legends Whitechapel tear up the place.  Last time I was about to see them, but had to leave because of a family emergency.

4.  Get hammer drunk on the US vs. Scotland soccer game with my bro and his buds.

Yup.  Can't wait.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finished up my 4th term, Mass Effect 3 review, and a well deserved break

Wow!  Its been ages since I last made my previous blog.  But Damn things have really changed for the good.  I finished up my finals for my fourth term.  But this time I actually gave a rats ass about it all.  Studied hard, grabbed destiny by the balls, and took no prisoners.  I was on fire.  And I think I'm actually proud by the soon good news.  Plus a while back I attended my first ever midnight release party of Mass Effect 3.  I never actually attended Midnight release parties or screenings because my folks think its stupid and pointless.  Not to mention that I had to shoot for my final project as well.  Overall gotten it done.

But all those who are crazy ME Fans like me and haven't finished the 3rd yet this is not the post you want to read, so this is a spoiler coming right up.

My Shepard's name is Neil.  Named after my Scottish cousin in Glasgow.  My first play through I assisted the Turians by curing the Genophage for the Krogan to help them against the Reapers, got the Rachnnai on our side once more, Killed Udinas ass, defeated the Geth sadly killing Legion in the process, and on the final choice on destroying the Reapers on the Crucible, I used the Gun method meaning I destroyed the Reapers and all organic life.  But thankfully I had a save so I did it over again, by sacrificing my life in driving out the Reapers away forever.  Still I was not satisfied having all the Mass Effect Relay's blow up.

But above all that it was a good game, except for the ending.